January 11, 2020, at Lost Acres Vineyard, 80 Lost Acres Rd., Granby, CT 06060
Cost: $75 per person
To Register Online: https://www.eventclinics.com/a/nYHrO9D5hESGFUryR6RLew
Work on your mental game with Andrea Waldo, event rider, trainer, and author of the best-selling book, “Brain Training for Riders!” Do you struggle with confidence when you ride at home, in lessons, or at shows? Come learn how to tame your Lizard Brain–the “Fight or Flight” part of your mind–and ride effectively and confidently. You’ll identify ways to reassure your “inner lizard, ” escape from negative Brain Traps, and “own” your abilities. This unmounted workshop will leave you feeling confident, energized, and ready to tackle the upcoming season!